Our ideas have the potential to weave, branch, and grow much more rapidly when combined than when they're simply individual threads.
I'm going to break out of the box a bit, and share an idea that just came to me. I was reading over some of the other posts, and I found myself noting, "Well, I don't really think that.", or "Wow . . . . I want to expound on that!" I especially found myself wanting to answer questions that were asked, or that weren't answered to completion. So. . . . the thought hit me: With these blogs, there is a TREMENDOUS possibility for what is called, "web weaving". . . . basically, the unplanned networking of several blogs. What basically happens is that someone in a circle of blogs refers back to someone else's post, and a discourse of sorts is begun, with references coming almost solely from within the circle. I've never worked with an academic community of bloggers before, but this idea especially intrigues me.
In answer to Eric's post concerning design choice, I would have to say that my reasons for choosing are personal. *grins* Now, I know, that sounds sarcastic. . . . and it was meant to! Seriously, though. . . . I chose my title "Kea's Korner" because I needed a title that was short, catchy, and personal. I'm an open and inviting kind of person, and I will jovially welcome anyone into my space. . . . and while this isn't a "physical" space, it is a corner of my being, nonetheless. My design. . . . I've got a bit of a dark, and mysterious side, and hence, the black background. I also know how much easier it is to read things on a darker background. I've also got a splash of vibrance in my personality, and the bright colors bring that out. Colors stand out SO much better on a background of contrast. . . . . and white just isn't cool enough! White tends to be known as "the absence of color". Well, my friends. . . . . I don't do well with the absence of anything! *grins*
I have every intention of doing the Sullivan post. . . . I'm not disregarding it. This idea just seemed cooler, for the moment.
So. . . . . the web begins. Will you weave, or will you merely watch?
If I gave out prizes, you'd get two for being the first to post with a hyperlink and a photo, or at least the first that I've seen. Instead you get only this comment. Well done.
ReplyDeleteAw, thanks. :-D *accepts pat on back*