So I am totally sick of pulling this prompt up in Microsoft Word, and so, I'm going to post it here.
Essay Rationale
The writers we have read offer varying approaches to literacy concerns in a digital age. You have read and responded to these texts on the web and in class. You and your classmates have also conducted limited personal research of your own web practices. This essay provides an occasion for you to draw upon that all of that work in addressing the relationship between the digital age and literacy practices. This essay serves as the culmination for our work in this unit, as a chance to pull all of these ideas together in writing.
Essay Prompt
Address this question: What kinds of readers and writers are we becoming as we read and write on the web? You may consider your response as taking positions relative those of Sullivan, Harris, Carr, Hedges, and Thompson on the personal and civic implications of internet reading and writing. (You do not have to include all of these sources, but you are expected to include some of them.) You also should include at least one source outside of those you read for class. You are free to draw upon personal experiences and reflections in this essay, and you may revisit and revise your blogs posts to contribute to your response. I encourage you to try to have fun with this essay and to focus upon interesting questions rather than easy answers.
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3 months ago
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