I will be the first to admit that I'm not exactly "current events" literate. I catch it as it comes, really. Many people I know sit down every night to watch the evening news. I believe that's a really good, and quick, way to get depressed. I'm not one to watch TV anyways; I'd rather be reading! However, the news is so often full of doom and gloom, or events that don't matter to me as a real person. Another common venue is that of the newspaper. Definitely fading in popularity, the newspaper is NOT a venue I seek, either. It's big, crinkly, and it takes a personal trainer to learn how to read it without it engulfing your head by folding over. . . .
I do, however, use Yahoo News quite a bit. These are written articles or videos that come up every time I sign into Yahoo. Since I compulsively check my email, I log in quite a bit. I very rarely, if ever, miss out on the BIG things. The little things. . . . I could care less about. I also have a wonderful friend who is VERY much into the news, and if I miss something, he'll keep me up-to-date.
*musing* Now that I think about it, I'm more into tune than I thought I was. There is a definite give-and-take of information between groups of friends and myself. More of a factual gossip session than anything. . . . "Did you hear about that kid in the balloon?!?" "No, I didn't, but the mayor of Russia says he can prevent it from snowing in Mascow!" "Really!?!? I didn't know that! How's he planning that?" So on and so forth. . . .
Upon second glance, most of my news knowledge comes from word-of-mouth, with some knowledge being gained from brief glimpses online.
Doa Iftitah Dibaca Setelah Membaca
3 months ago
Haha! After reading this post, I started reading the Yahoo News article about preventing snow in Moscow. I guess you, for me, are a source of news.
ReplyDeleteHere it is, by the way.
*grins* The Moscow thing just had me smirking. . . . I had to mention it. I'm glad that you enjoyed it, too!